Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Why? Why? Why?
As we grow up, we are all taught that there are certain things you just have to accept. Our curiosities were always shut down with the simple answer: "Just because". We are trained like robots to understand that some things just are what they are and it is about accepting them. We continue growing and those naive questions are no longer asked because we have come to terms with the fact that we will not receive any answer that we wish to hear. But does that mean that we do not still wonder? All I know is that we all still ask "why". But now there are entirely different reasons:
Why did he cheat on me? Why does she continue to stab me in the back? Why can't I have a perfect family?
In these scenarios we never can seem to take "Just because" as an answer. We all demand explanations that we will honestly never get. So why must we continue to ask? I feel as though it is essential for us as a whole to accept it. Certain things; they don't work out. Certain people; they hurt you. Now, As I state those facts I'm sure your minds are tempted to ask why! Not on purpose, but because we are all wired that way. We need that explanation. We crave it. The human mind is a marvelous thing and wants to learn answers to all your dilemmas in life. But how is it now, that there are certain exceptions to what it puts thought into? Our mind doesn't even begin to entertain the question: If a tree falls in the forest but no one's around to see it.. does it make a sound? Although we all secretly wish we knew, we accept that that answer is no where to be found. Not everything in life will be explained to you. You will not always receive the answers that you are looking for. And I promise you this, that huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders the second you begin to accept that.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thinking Thoughts
I'd love to continue this blog but since my mind is an overall jumbled mess it would keep jumping around anyway. I'm sure anyone who happens to be reading this is aware that I need to work on my transitions!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let's get involved
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Livin' It Up
And here I sit, well past midnight with a pile of completed homework sitting beside me as I await the arrival of my next door neighbor whose kids I babysat tonight. All I know is that I BETTER be making serious bank tonight! I could watch T.V. but I think I’ll let my mind vent a little bit about this stressful night. First of all, I would like to make it clear that I am babysitting for two girls. Ages; ten and thirteen (Yes, that’s right… thirteen). I think I’ve been babysitting these two since I was her age. Now, I for one, find it somewhat difficult to interact with these kids. I know that if I were in her position I would be telling that bitch to leave me the fuck alone! This dilemma however has given me the perfect opportunity to actually do some homework for once. If I had it my way right now, I would be passed out in my own bed.
The public schools have off of school tomorrow and Friday. This irks me, I have had it with Catholic school. Of course, I am still grounded from the incident on Halloween so it doesn’t even make too much of a difference. I barely have reason to look forward to the weekends anymore. Although I did regain full access to my computer and Blackberry! Baby steps, people… baby steps.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
It's All Fun and Games Till the Cops Show Up!